How do I find my NPI number?
The National Provider Identifier
NPI is used to identify a health care provider in standard transactions like health insurance claims.
NPIs can also be used to identify health care providers on prescriptions, in internal files to link proprietary provider identification numbers and other data, in benefit coordination across health plans, in patient medical record systems, in programme integrity files, and in a variety of other ways. In standard transactions, HIPAA mandates covered entities to use NPIs. If you make any electronic transactions with federal health programmes, you are a covered entity.
Even if your employer files the application for your NPI, it is yours. When you change practices or work in different settings, your NPI remains the same. You can only have one unique NPI. It will be utilized by all covered health plans, obviating the need for the various provider numbers currently assigned by Medicare, Medicaid, and private payers.
Will my NPI information be available to others?
A physician, other health care practitioner, or organisation can access NPI information through CMS’s online NPI registry (nppes.cms.hhs.gov). The NPI registry is completed on the same National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) online website.
NPI Lookup
There are many websites that allow your do NPI lookup.
NPIdb.org allows you to look up doctors’ NPI numbers as well as the NPI numbers of other medical entities.
By going to www.npinumberlookup.org and searching the entire database you do NPI lookup. Their database is updated on a regular basis with the most recent NPI data submitted by persons and organizations.
NPI number lookup by name or number — NPI lookup from the NPI Registry
Individuals:- Physicians, dentists, nurses, chiropractors, pharmacists, physical therapists, and others.
Organizations:- Hospitals, home health agencies, ambulance companies, health maintenance organizations, durable medical equipment suppliers, pharmacies, and so on are examples of organizations.